Arbitrage Betting Explained: A Clear and Neutral Overview

Arbitrage betting involves taking advantage of discrepancies in odds to guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome of the event you're betting on.

18 Oct, 2023 15 min read

Leonardo Maldonado

Leonardo Maldonado

arbitrage betting explained image

If you're interested in sports betting, you may have heard the term "arbitrage betting" thrown around. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? Essentially, arbitrage betting involves taking advantage of discrepancies in odds offered by different bookmakers to guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome of the event you're betting on.

Let's say you want to bet on a soccer match between Team A and Team B. Bookmaker X offers odds of 2.00 for Team A to win, while Bookmaker Y gives odds of 2.20 for Team B to win. You can guarantee a profit no matter which team wins by betting on both outcomes with the different bookmakers. This is because the combined odds of your bets are more significant than 2.00, meaning you'll profit even after considering the amount you've bet.

While it may sound too good to be true, arbitrage betting is a legitimate strategy many professional gamblers use to make risk-free profits. However, it does require a significant amount of research and careful monitoring of the odds to identify profitable opportunities. In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into the mechanics of arbitrage betting and explore some of the pros and cons of this strategy.

Understanding Arbitrage Betting

Arbitrage betting, also known as arbing, is a sports betting strategy that allows you to place bets on all possible outcomes of a sporting event to guarantee a profit, regardless of the outcome. Utilizing various odds that other bookmakers are offering helps achieve this.

The concept of arbitrage betting is simple. You bet on one outcome with one bookmaker and the opposite with another. Doing this ensures a profit regardless of the event's outcome.

For example, let's say you want to bet on a football match between Team A and Team B. Bookmaker X offers odds of 2.0 for Team A to win, while Bookmaker Y offers odds of 2.1 for Team B to win. By placing a £100 bet on Team A with Bookmaker X and a £95.24 bet on Team B with Bookmaker Y, you are guaranteed a profit of £4.76, regardless of the match's outcome.

It's important to note that arbitrage betting could be better and requires careful planning and execution. It would be best to take advantage of discrepancies in odds, as they can disappear quickly. Additionally, bookmakers may limit or ban your account if they suspect you of arbitrage betting.

Arbitrage betting can be a profitable strategy for experienced bettors willing to put in the time and effort to find and take advantage of discrepancies in odds. However, it's essential to approach it cautiously and know the risks involved.

The concept of profit in arbitrage betting

In arbitrage betting, the concept of profit is central to the technique. Profit is the amount of money you make from the bets you place. It is the difference between the amount you bet and the amount you win.

One of the main advantages of arbitrage betting is that it allows you to guarantee a profit, regardless of the event's outcome. This is known as a guaranteed profit. By placing bets with various bookmakers on every outcome of an event, this is possible. Doing so can ensure that you will win, no matter the event's outcome.

The profit margin in arbitrage betting is typically tiny but guaranteed. The profit margin is the difference between the total amount you bet and the total amount you win. It is calculated as a percentage of the total amount you bet. A typical profit margin for an arbitrage bet is around 2–5%.

You must find the best odds for each bet to maximize your profit margin. This means you must shop around and compare the odds that different bookmakers offer. Doing so can ensure you get the best possible odds for each bet, increasing your profit margin.

In summary, profit is central to the arbitrage betting technique. It allows you to guarantee a profit, regardless of the event's outcome. The profit margin is typically small, but it is guaranteed. You must find the best odds for each bet to maximize your profit margin.

How Online Platforms Facilitate Arbitrage Betting

Online platforms have revolutionized the way we bet on sports. They have made it easier for bettors to place their bets, access information, and analyze data. One of the most significant advantages of online platforms is that they facilitate arbitrage betting.

Arbitrage betting requires a lot of research, analysis, and quick decision-making. Online platforms make it easier for bettors to find and compare odds across multiple bookmakers. This is crucial for arbitrage betting because it allows you to take advantage of price differences between bookmakers.

Online betting sites also provide bettors with a wealth of information that can be used to identify arbitrage opportunities. This includes historical data, live scores, and news updates. With this information, you can quickly identify when the odds change and take advantage of any arbitrage opportunities.

Software and online platforms are also used to automate the process of finding arbitrage opportunities. There are several software programs available that can scan multiple bookmakers and identify arbitrage opportunities in real-time. This makes it easier for bettors to quickly find and take advantage of arbitrage opportunities.

Another advantage of online platforms is that they provide a safe and secure environment for bettors to place their bets. Online betting sites use advanced encryption and security measures to protect personal and financial information. This means you can confidently place your bets, knowing your data is safe and secure.

In conclusion, online platforms have revolutionized the way we bet on sports. They have made it easier for bettors to find and take advantage of arbitrage opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned gambler or just starting out, online platforms provide the tools and information you need to succeed.

The Role of Bookmakers in Arbitrage Betting

Bookmakers play a crucial role in arbitrage betting. Arbitrage betting is based on the differences in odds offered by different bookmakers on the same event. Bookmakers set their odds based on their own analysis and opinions. Sometimes, there can be significant differences in the odds offered by different bookmakers due to their differing views on event outcomes or errors. This is where arbitrage betting comes in.

To take advantage of these differences in odds, you need to place one bet per outcome with different bookmakers. By doing this, you can guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome. However, this requires careful analysis and effort to find the right opportunities.

Bookmakers are aware of arbitrage betting and take measures to prevent it. They can cancel bets where mistakes have been made, exposing you to the other side. This can quickly wipe out your profits accrued over a long period of time. Therefore, it is essential to closely examine the rules for each bookmaker you intend to use for arbitrage.

Bookmakers can also limit your account or ban you altogether if they suspect you are engaging in arbitrage betting. This is because arbitrage betting can be seen as a form of exploitation of their odds and can lead to significant losses for them.

In summary, bookmakers play a crucial role in arbitrage betting. They set the odds based on their own analysis and opinions, which can lead to differences in odds between different bookmakers. However, they also take measures to prevent arbitrage betting and can limit or ban accounts if they suspect you are engaging.

Risk and arbitrage betting

When it comes to betting, risk is always a factor. However, with arbitrage betting, the risk is significantly reduced. This is because arbitrage betting involves placing bets on all possible outcomes of an event to guarantee a profit.

While this may sound like a sure thing, it's important to remember that a small amount of risk is still involved. This is because bookmakers can change their odds at any time, which can affect the profitability of an arbitrage bet. Additionally, human error is always possible, such as placing the wrong bet or misreading the odds.

To minimize the risk of an arbitrage bet, it's important to carefully calculate the probabilities of each outcome and ensure that the bookmakers' odds are accurate. This can be done through careful research and analysis of the event and the bookmakers involved.

It's also important to remember that while arbitrage betting may offer a lower level of risk, it also typically offers lower profits. This is because the margins for profit are typically small, and the bets must be placed on multiple bookmakers to take advantage of the discrepancies in odds.

While arbitrage betting may offer a lower level of risk than other forms of betting, it's essential to approach it with a clear understanding of the probabilities involved and carefully calculate the potential profits and risks involved in each bet.

Arbitrage Betting in Different Sports

Arbitrage betting can be applied to different sports, including tennis, soccer, football, and the NFL. By comparing odds from other bookmakers, you can identify opportunities for arbitrage betting.

In tennis, for example, you can bet on both players to win the match and still make a profit. Bookmakers may have different odds for each player, allowing you to bet on both players and still come out ahead.

In soccer, you can bet on both teams to win or draw the match to guarantee a profit. For instance, if Real Madrid is playing against Barcelona and one bookmaker is offering odds of 2.5 for Real Madrid to win and another bookmaker is offering odds of 3.0 for Barcelona to win, you can place bets on both teams to win or draw the match and still make a profit.

Similarly, you can bet on both teams to win or cover the spread in football. For instance, if the New England Patriots are playing against the Dallas Cowboys and one bookmaker is offering odds of -6.5 for the Patriots to cover the spread and another bookmaker is offering odds of +7.0 for the Cowboys to cover the spread, you can place bets on both teams to cover the spread and still make a profit.

You can bet on both teams to win or cover the spread in the NFL. By comparing odds from different bookmakers, you can identify opportunities for arbitrage betting and make a profit regardless of the game's outcome.

Overall, arbitrage betting can be applied to many different sports, and by comparing odds from other bookmakers, you can identify opportunities for arbitrage betting and make a profit.

Arbitrage Betting as an Investment

Arbitrage betting is a popular investment strategy that involves taking advantage of discrepancies in the odds offered by different bookmakers. You can guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome by placing bets on all possible sporting event outcomes.

While arbitrage betting is often associated with gambling, it can also be seen as a legitimate investment opportunity. In fact, many professional sports bettors and investors use arbitrage betting as a business model to generate consistent profits.

Arbitrage betting is particularly attractive to investors because it is a low-risk investment strategy. Unlike other forms of investing, such as stocks or bonds, arbitrage betting does not require a significant initial investment and offers minimal risk.

Additionally, arbitrage betting provides investors with a unique opportunity to profit from inefficiencies in the financial markets. Investors can generate consistent profits over time by identifying and exploiting these inefficiencies.

However, it is essential to note that arbitrage betting has risks. While the strategy is low-risk, identifying profitable opportunities requires significant time and effort. Additionally, bookmakers may limit or even ban individuals who consistently win through arbitrage betting.

Arbitrage betting can be a profitable investment opportunity for those willing to invest the time and effort to identify profitable opportunities. With its low-risk and high-reward potential, it is no wonder why many investors view arbitrage betting as a viable investment strategy.


In conclusion, arbitrage betting is a strategy many gamblers use to make risk-free profits. It involves taking advantage of differences in odds offered by bookmakers to place bets on all possible outcomes of an event. When done correctly, the bettor can profit regardless of the event's outcome.

Arbitrage betting requires careful research and analysis to identify opportunities and ensure the bets are placed at the right time. It also requires discipline and patience to wait for the right opportunities to arise.

While arbitrage betting can be a profitable strategy, it has risks. Bookmakers may limit or even close the accounts of bettors who consistently make profits through arbitrage betting. Additionally, mistakes in calculations or timing can lead to losses.

Arbitrage betting is a strategy that can be used to make profits in the sports betting market. However, it requires careful planning, analysis, and execution to be successful. As with any form of gambling, it is essential to gamble responsibly and within your means.